
The main tourist information office is located in Immermann-Strasse 65b opposite of the main station, phone: +49 0211/1 72 02-8 54, fax: +49 0211/1 72 02-32 22). A second office is located Marktstrasse/Rheinstrasse inside the old town. They offer a lot of brochures: a monthly calendar of events, a city guide and free maps with walking routes designed around a specific theme e.g., "Art Route", "Düsseldorf in 1 Hour" and, last but not least, a guide for gays. You can also book their guided tours, and note that there are also tours for disabled and deaf people.

The city was largely destroyed in World War 2, and there were very few old buildings left. People interested in modern architecture, however, will have much to see in Düsseldorf. Also, there are many modern artworks in the public, and on Stresemannplatz Square and the Rhine Bank, there are palms, not really the first thing you'd expect to see a cold day in October.